Wednesday 22 June 2011


The outage period starts with the turning off of the nuclear reactions, slowing down of the turbines and generator; industrial sounds of the turbine hall are returned to the obtuse natural rhythms of the Ness.

Sunday 19 June 2011

Saturday 2 April 2011

Suffolk territories


Contrary to an earlier post, these photos are from my first use of a pinhole camera. In a somewhat amateur affair, which have had to be pull processed, I mismatched the timings, dropped the camera and was accosted by the nuclear police.

Did try a double exposure though.

Friday 25 March 2011


After some time trying to find a golden answer for this project, and pursuing a course of working which I presumed was expected of me, I have came to.

Realising that the only way to get properly enthused about the work was to be more directly related down my own line of research. This seems obvious but it's incredibly easy to loose sight at times. Firstly this meant canonising what that line of research was. This is, of course, a useful resource when that weightless/probing question of 'what kind of architecture you into?' comes.

One also needs to build a critical attitude to what part of the culture one will participate in, what will soon be called a thesis, and might later be called built response.

so here, here, to that which isn't perfectly aligned

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Barratt EPR

Located within a stunning, soon to be completed residential square in fashionable Dalston, this development enjoys a chic, luxurious interior with winter garden style balconies. With over 80% sold off plan already, buyers must act fast to avoid disappointment.

*Size comparisons to the reactor of a UK EPR are purely coincedence.