Sunday 27 February 2011

Scotch mist

Alignment and scale have been major concerns in the placement of the nuclear power station. Confrontations in plan with fragile land, habitats and monuments fight with pictorial concerns from the settlements of Orford, Aldeburgh and neighbouring villages.

My aversion to damage the land mentioned before place the establishment unnervingly close to Orford and I react in a yearning to obscure the mass of the power station. By which means I'm still unsure. Or indeed whether obscuring is apt or necessary.

Initially, and of course naturally one thinks of fog, but after finding that the Ness isn't conducive to forming it, also remembering never to rely on such a passing weather formation, one has to be more independent. For five minutes I entertained the thought of creating some with the byproduct heat from the power generation process, seeing the unsubtle spectacle of diller and scofidio as a marker.

Leafing through some old smudges I came across my newly imagined perfect site. The peak, Hong Kong.

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